Why I love Mark Twain…
A quote I love with my comments within Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, [ummmm,…
Yes, it’s a post-script, when there’s nothing to say before the ‘PS’, except that these lines are not mine, I…
“Haroun and the Sea of Stories” – I love this book, the only one of S.Rushdie I have read. Here’s…
Did you know…
I can be bitterly, scathingly, sarcastically negative at times… well ok, most of the time… (as all those unfortunate enough…
You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want…
The glassy greens and angry whites
I dream of the waves again. I had almost forgotten that place in my dream, it had stopped for a…
My book reviews on Amazon
Facebook tells me I have read ‘0’ (zero) books (presumptious little twit of an application!) However, I wish to record…
The Sea-Gull
Here’s one of my all-time favourites by Ogden Nash…. happy to have found an old friend on the internet! Hark…